We have some great information for new and current Annual Profile Coordinators at the College and Department level. Take a look below for links on how to get started and guides to help you along the way.

New to Annual Profile?
Are you a new Annual Profile College Coordinator or Department Administrator?
Start with the New Coordinator's page, for information on how to request access to the system, and training information.
Community: Network and ask questions of the support team and peers.

Annual Profile Coordinators
Looking for resources?
Community Leadership Sessions: Catch the latest on upcoming system upgrades and new functionality, as well as share your experiences and questions. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month, 9-10 am. Meeting announcements will be sent to the UAV-Leads list.
UAV-Leads listserv: Used for important announcements & system notifications. All Annual Profile Coordinators will be automatically added to this list. However, you can email Annual Profile Support to confirm.

Contacts & Support
Wondering who to contact for help with that question?
Additionally, the Annual Profile Support Team can help with questions around:
- Accounts
- College-specific consultation
- Implementation & setup
- Training
Email: uav-support@list.arizona.edu
Sign Up for Annual Profile Office Hours
Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's about impact, influence and inspiration.
-Robin S. Sharma
Community Leadership Sessions:
We invite all Annual Profile college and/or department coordinators to attend our monthly Community Leadership Sessions. During these sessions, we share information about system updates, preview forthcoming interface/functionality changes, receive reminders and tips about the system, and discuss problems and issues.
The sessions are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month via Zoom. To be added to the official meeting request and to rsvp your attendance, please email uav-support@list.arizona.edu with the subject line: Annual Profile Leadership Invite
Do you have questions about how your college or department uses Annual Profile? Please contact your college coordinator, or designated departmental support person, with your questions about accessing the Annual Profile system, departmental annual review guidelines, and departmental review deadlines. You can also email the university-level Annual Profile Team with your questions about using the system.